"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return" - Leonardo da Vinci

Friday, 18 March 2011

Nav and my first Flight away!!!

When all of the course is nearly compleate then its down for you to be your own pilot... untill you qualify that is!!!
This involves flying to a airport away from the airport you are based at, for me this is Lydd (EGMD) or Ashford International as also known!!

For this to happen the below has to be checked, this is also a lesson with a instructor. The first flight is with an instrutor, then a solo flight away, then a intense flight to a internationl airport this being Bournmouth and then my qualifing cross country.

Pilot Navigation – Exercise 18A

Aim: To learn all aspects of pilot navigation i.e. ground pre-flight preparation and in-flight procedures.

Airmanship: Success depends on good flight planning. Weather appreciation & Good cockpit organisation in flight.

1. Pre-Flight Action By The Pilot

Can the flight be safely made? Weather, route, altitudes, aircraft state, legal requirements, met, NOTAMS, AIP, selection of route and maps, maps marked up – timings 5º and 10º lines etc. Raise nav flight plan and log. Booking out procedure, navigation equipment to aircraft (several pencils or biros, accessible etc).

2. Nav Log

Departure Action and Setting Course Procedure. Entering departure time, inserting ETA 1st sector. Relevant altimeter setting. Decide method of setting course: on climb out or overhead the Field.RT.

3. En Route Pilot Navigation

Maintenance of Flight Log, Track Keeping, 1 in 60 Rule,Method of maintaining constant heading and altitude, constant monitoring of DI and compass, log keeping, lookout and track maintenance,
corrections to track, updating ETA’s. Remember at 90 kts 2/3 the n.m’s = minutes.

4. Altimeter Settings

Altimeter setting regions.

5. R/T

If necessary, write message format on bottom of flight log. Remember Time/Turn/Talk/Throttle/Twist.

6. Action if Lost or Uncertain of Position

Essential learn this procedure. Know method re plotting circle of uncertainty. Awareness of facilities available on 121.5 mhz.

7. Weather Problems and Diversion to Alternate Airfield

Ability to estimate track (M) to an alternate airfield, plus mental dead reckoning (DR) re: ETA’s. Awareness of need to divert etc.

8. Descent and Joining at Destination Airfield

Knowledge of cruise descent, calculation of Rate of Descent’s etc. Must have all relative information re: destination airfield available (chart or copy on back of log). Altimeter settings, circuit directions, parking, security of aircraft. Refuelling and booking in.

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