"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return" - Leonardo da Vinci

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Exercise 19A Instrument Appreciation

My last lesson was a look at Instrument Appreciation. If visability is lost due to cloud then the idea is to "trust your instruments"! My notes from this is as follows:

Airmanship: Minimum safe altitude – IFR Safety pilot Instructor at all times.

Aim: To understand the sensation of flight with sole reference to the instruments and to learn to fly basic manoeuvres.

Air Ex: Introduction of how the senses can be confused with “eyes closed / no visibility”

Instrument Appreciation:

Control instruments: Attitude Indicator = Master Instrument
Note: A small movement of the index aircraft results in a significant change to the aircrafts attitude.
RPM indicator = Power required for performance.

Performance instruments: ALT, VSI, ASI, DI, T/C, BALL.
Note: These all reflect the performance of the aircraft & should not be directly used to control the a/c.

Techniques for good instrument flying:

Try to be relaxed
Maintain the a/c in the trim
Use light control inputs
Change – Check – Hold – Adjust – Trim
Use correct scan
Understand the information given by the instruments – trust the instruments!


Straight & level:
Visualise the desired flight path. / Check power setting / Set the attitude on the AI / Hold the attitude / Trim / Check Instruments
Initial scan: AI → DI → AI → ALT

Turning: (No more then 15º bank)
Level rate one turn. (3º per sec = 180º in 1 min)
Guide to bank angle: i.e.: 10% of airspeed (kts) + 7º = 15º
Initial scan: AI → ALT → AI → ALT
Anticipate rollout → S&L scan
Note: Indicators beyond rate 1 on the turn co-ordinator are not reliable.

Visualise the desired flight path / Set full power (prevent yaw) / Set the attitude on AI / Hold the attitude / Trim / Check instruments
Initial scan: AI → DI → AI → DI

Level off: Anticipate by 10% ROC / Attitude to S&L attitude / Redduce power to cruise / Trim / Return to S&L scan.

Visualise the desired flight path / Reduce power (prevent yaw) / Initially hold the attitude until the required speed is being approached, then adjust the attitude on AI to maintain the speed / Trim / Check instruments.
Initial scan: AI → ASI → AI → DI
Once speed has settled: Check VSI

Level off: Anticipate by 10% ROD / Increase power to cruise / Nose attitude to S&L attitude / Trim / Return to S&L scan.

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